I was supposed to be taking a break from this stuff. I've gone out of my way to try and temporarily purge anything political from my life right now. I've stopped going on Twitter, I only go on Facebook to message people, and I've made sure that the only YouTube notifications I get are from Let's Play and Horror channels. Alas, this is not to be. I try to throw it all away but it keeps coming back, like a boomerang covered in shit. Which realistically should make it less aerodynamic but here we are.
Someone punched Richard Spencer in the face.
Who is Richard Spencer? Why, he's a White Nationalist. And the creator of the term "Alt-Right". He's a bit of an edge-lord fuckwit who looks like someone stole most of his hair (probably a Jew no doubt). Quick version: He's not someone who anyone should ever feel compelled to defend, ever.
Now if people watched this and laughed at the Nazi-in-Denial getting lamped on a street corner and then moved on with their lives then I probably wouldn't have any problem because, let's be honest, how many of us could stop ourselves? You're having a conversation with someone, and they happen to let slip that their sympathies lie entirely with the National Socialist party of Germany in the 30s and 40s and that the Holocaust was completely justified; well let's just say it would probably require an ocean's worth of restraint to not pounce on the guy and dig his eyes out with your thumbs.
It's understandable. Here's a guy just standing out in the open casually justifying one of the worst crimes to ever blight our history. Or at the very least touting the merits of race-based identity politics. Maybe this guy didn't get his arse kicked enough as a child. Perhaps we should remedy that. Right now. In front of a camera.
And maybe I would have far more sympathy for the puncher in this scenario if he were just some random working stiff whose grandfather died on the outskirts of Berlin, slowly making their way towards that bunker where the toothbrush faced coward himself put a bullet in his head instead of facing trial for his crimes against humanity. All those people dying in utter squalor and agony, and the person responsible for it all gets a quick, merciful, self-inflicted bullet through the head. And here's this guy, just brazenly and openly touting the merits of that guy's ideology. Right there. The fucking balls on this guy. Someone needs to teach him a lesson.
I can understand this on an emotional level. The pure gut instinct that any decent person would have. The trouble is; where does it stop?
You see, the guy who committed the assault in the video was very likely to be a member of "Antifa". Which means he's also very likely to be a communist. And to him, everyone to the Right of him is probably a fascist. Now I'm not saying that most people are so dumb that they can't tell the difference between a common garden conservative and a far-right fascist. Most people can. But when you're a communist, the muscle that's usually relegated to logic and reason is probably already somewhat atrophied.
What I'm saying is that you're a fucking idiot because Communism, over this past century onwards, has killed more people than, not only the Nazis, but Genghis fucking Kahn. Let that sink in; because Genghis Kahn is theorized to have killed so many people that he actually helped the environment.
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Thanks buddy! You can stop now.... I said you can stop....GENGHIS! STOP! |
Look, what I'm saying is that if we're going to condone the assault of a white nationalist simply for speaking his filthy mind in a public space, then I reserve the full right to track down that commie and mash his balls into slush with a ball peen hammer. I mean it's only fair. If Nazis are going to be punched out then commies should be violently vasectomized with standard joinery equipment.
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Which is it gonna be, pinko? The hacksaw or the pliers? |
See, if I'm a fanatic for anything then it's free speech. I believe that the best way to combat bad ideas is with good ideas. But the thing is, for a lot of people that isn't enough. Words don't leave marks you can see. Words don't have an impact you can feel immediately. Words can also be misused. I pointed out in my previous post that the word "Nazi", in some circles, has been broadened from being someone who suppports the policies of the National Socialist Party of Germany in the 1930s and 40s, to being "pretty much anyone I disagree with, or anyone who is to the Right of me on almost any issue. And also probably voted for Trump."
Now I've taken the test. Turns out I'm a bit of a lefty. But I'm also very centrist and VERY anti-ideology and anti-identity politics. I'm probably to the right of almost every single person involved in that riot on the inauguration day. I've been called a fascist enabler simply for stating my not-even-remotely-fascist views. So when you say it's perfectly okay to go around punching Nazis - as self-serving as it is - that doesn't really make me feel safe.
Now actual Nazis; hell they might even NEED an arse-kicking. I'm not denying that's it's an extremely appealing thought. But if we're going to do that then we need to be VERY specific about what a Nazi is. Because if we aren't then let's face it; you've got a whole lotta punching to do.
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