Well, as of writing this review the UK is still in lockdown, our mental and physical health is fucked and so is the economy, the West is now China's bitch and I am slowly turning into Jack Torrance. So you know what that means. That's right, time for Hollywood to cash the fuck in, because only they could take the stark, horrible reality of our situation, ram it through a filter of lens-flares and saccharine bullshit and sell it straight back to us on Amazon for those sweet, sweet Covid bucks.
Then again by the time all of this is over with, Gambol here wont even have a nickel for his grandma.
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ENOUGH of the Lockdowns! |
So I suppose I can't blame their avarice, I mean we're all looking for ways to make money. I personally am thinking of starting up an Onlyfans account. Can't let Bad Orange Man have all the fun.
Inevitably the Michael Bay produced viral thriller 'Songbird' has gained a bit of backlash for its cynical exploitation of a worldwide tragedy. And when I say 'backlash' I mean some Twitter randomers decided to act shocked and appalled for likes and retweets and some low level news outlets picked up on it. 'OMG, Covid-23? Dis twailor made me pee my pants!' I know right? A movie exaggerating things for dramatic effect? Say it ain't so.
'I hate to give this movie attention it doesn't deserve....' Then why do it? Stop typing. Get off the Twatter. There's a whole world out there. Oh wait, most of it's locked down because of measures you and your retarded Twitter spawn brethren probably support. Oh well. Continue to complain about things that don't matter.
Speaking of complaining about things that don't matter; this movie. It doesn't deserve anywhere near even the minority backlash it's receiving. Not because it's good, if anything it's astoundingly mediocre at best; and not even because it isn't controversial. In fact it seems to go out of its way to NOT say anything controversial. It's just fucking there. Hell, aside from one or two moments involving Peter Stormare channeling Gary Oldman in 'Leon', it isn't even entertaining.
It's the year 2023. Covid-19 has mutated into Covid-23, presumably because people refused to wear masks during sex. People are holed up in their homes, talking to each other via Skype and getting things delivered to them via courier. So far this sounds almost like how thing were BEFORE the lockdowns. But that's not all; people are subject to regular temperature checks via their phones and if you're found to have a fever then you're assumed to have the Coof and a bunch of nice men in hazmat suits will knock politely on your door and escort you to the concentration ca... I mean, Quarantine Zone for what will no doubt be top quality medical care.
We follow Nico, one of these couriers whose girlfriend whom he's never met in person finds herself about to be taken to one of these Zones after her mother dies of the Coof, despite the fact that she seems to be immune herself. It's up to Nico to procure an immunity bracelet for his girlfriend before she is menaced to death by Peter Stormare.
On the face of it, 'Songbird' seems like a fine opportunity to explore themes surrounding the rights of the individual in the midst of a pandemic; or perhaps even how reliant we've become on social media and technology as a means of communicating with each other regardless of any lockdowns. But this is a Michael Bay movie, to expect nuanced social commentary from the man who gave us Skid and Mudflap is a folly to rival the lockdowns themselves.
Realistically the film is a romantic thriller, and despite the film being neither written nor directed by Bay himself, make no mistake, this is a Michael Bay movie. From the glossy production value, needlessly frenetic camerawork and editing and the saccharine, soap opera level dialogue, the only way this could be more Michael Bay is if you extended the runtime to around 3 hours and added an Aerosmith ballad.
Thankfully this film isn't so cruel; with a runtime of around 85 minutes it doesn't outstay its welcome too long and moves at a decent pace so as to prevent me from gnawing off my own foot in terminal boredom. But in the long run, it still suffers from what I like to call 'Jingling Keys Direction.' It's designed to keep your mind occupied for long enough for you to not realize that what you're watching is a cinematic piss stream.
And I'm not even talking dark green, opaque with chunks of kidney stone piss either. I'm talking about watery, transparent piss that barely leaves a scent behind and would probably keep a houseplant alive. It's not even bad bad. It lacks the acidity of real bad. Or real good for that matter.
The story itself is pretty paper thin, with Nico's own story only taking up about a third of the movie. Another third involves an boomer couple, one of which is played by Demi Moore, conspiring with Peter Stormare's character to sell illegal immunity bracelets. The other third involves a disabled war veteran developing a relationship with a YouTube singer, whose only real connection to the rest of the plot is the fact that she's hired by the boomer husband as a personal prostitute. Some interesting ideas never explored in any satisfactory way.
Whilst the first two thirds of the story connect up enough of a thread for maybe a mediocre 50 minute episode of 'Black Mirror', the last third never really establishes a proper connection to the rest of it, despite the fact that the movie seems to be named for the singer character.
The film's most entertaining aspect is probably Peter Stormare as Harland, the head of the 'Sanitation Department' which has the power to detain people and take them to the camps. As usual Stormare crazies up a storm, stabbing people at random and being generally menacing. He's completely unbelievable as a villain and his backstory only makes things more confusing. Apparently he was a garbage truck driver whose superiors died off one by one and eventually he found himself running things.
Sorry, what? Is this film trying to tell me that if I kill the Mayor of my city and then keep killing his acting replacements, then eventually my entire city will be run by a single street-sweeper? I don't think that's how that works, movie. I don't think local sanitation works the same way as the line to the presidency.
At any rate I just like the fact that Stabby McStabberson here ended up in a position of authority. That's government for you.
He's not even a competent villain. At one point Demi Moore lures the Nico character into a trap where he meets up with Harland to get some illegal immunity bracelets, and instead of simply having him arrested by the authorities he himself controls, just decides to try and stab him - after all he is Stabby McStabberson - only to get headbutted by Nico who then escapes with the help of some crazy resistance hobo who we never see again for the rest of the movie.
And once again, the shitty villain death rears its ugly head as Nico ends the saga of Stabby McStabberson with a well placed pencil to the neck. Pencils that the movie took painstaking efforts to establish beforehand. Textbook Chekhov's Gun, movie. I'm proud of you.
It all kind of ends with everything being wrapped up in a neat little package, despite everything not being wrapped up in a neat little package. Nico and his girlfriend finally get together and leave the city; Demi Moore's character never really receives any kind of comeuppance but her husband's dead, so yay for her; Craig Robinson who plays Nico's boss gets his own illegal immunity bracelet and the Songbird is now free to continue singing songs on YouTube as Nico gives a cringeworthy and optimistic end narration about how 'we weren't delivering packages, we were delivering hope'.
Yeah bud, delivering hope to rich boomers in gated communities. I'm sure all those people locked up in Tik-Tok Dance Video Training Camps are feeling a lot of that hope right about now. We're all in this together after all.
Overall Quality Rating - 2/5
The movie uses current events as a jumping off point but pretty much fails to make any kind of use of the backdrop or make any comment on it. As such it's not the freedom movie some anti-lockdowners may hope it to be and nowhere near the irresponsible incitement to disobedience or exploitation of suffering that pro-lockdowners might think. Paper-thin, saccharine and generally stupid, it's only real upside is that it's well produced and isn't too long.
Idiot Rating - 2/5
Not even much to recommend for hilarity's sake either. Peter Stormare is fun to watch and there are one or two moments that genuinely made me laugh; such as the scene where Demi Moore's husband visits his personal prostitute while wearing a Blue Velvet style oxygen mask and she's wearing fucking PPE along with her sexy lingerie, and no, it isn't played for laughs. Another scene involving the same two characters and a remote control drone with a built on gun is also notable as being one of the more entertaining moments in the film.
I'm DeadEye and I hope you all catch Hope.